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When she had completed 12 years in the sanctuary, the priests took counsel together concerning her, so that they might entrust her to someone who would protect her, for she was consecrated to God and they were not allowed to keep her in the temple after this age. They decided that she be engaged to a man who could take care of her and who would look after her.
They gathered 12 righteous men from the house of David of the Tribe of Juda so they might place her with one of them. They took their staffs inside the Sanctuary, and a dove flew up and stood on the staff belonging to Joseph the carpenter who was a righteous man. They knew that this was God’s will.
Joseph took the Holy Virgin Saint Mary, and she dwelt with him until Saint Gabriel, the Angel of the Lord, came to her and announced to her that the Son of God was to be incarnated from her, for the salvation of Adam and his posterity.
May her intercession be with us and Glory be to our God forever, Amen!
Dear Children, for today we have prepared the story of the birth of Holy Mother Saint Mary, so be with us!
Our Holy Church celebrates, the birth and conception of the pure Virgin Saint Mary on Genebot 1 (May 9), the Mother of God. She was born in the city of Nazareth, where her parents lived. At first, her father Joachim and her mother Anna was sad because they could not have a child. As they were people of God, they went to Church and prayed for He could give them child.
Then one day, The angel of the Lord was sent to announce Joachim, her father, while he was on the mountain praying, and said to him: “The Lord will give you offspring through whom salvation comes to the world.”...
We commemorate the entrance of our Holy Mother Saint Mary into the Temple when she was three years old, for she was dedicated to God on Tahisas 3 (December 12). Her mother, Anna (Hannah), was childless. The women who were in the Temple stayed away from her. She was exceedingly sad and so was her husband Joachim who was a blessed old man. She prayed to God fervently and..
Our Lord Jesus Christ came to the land of Egypt when He was a two years old child with his Holy Mother Saint Mary, as the Bible says in Matthew 2:13 that the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying: “Arise, take the young Child and His mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I bring you word; for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy Him.” This was for two reasons:-
A. If He fell in the hand of Herod, and Herod could not kill Him, he would have thought that His flesh was a phantom.
B. The second reason was to bless the people of Egypt by being among them, so that the prophecy of Hosea (11:1) could be fulfilled which says: “… out of Egypt I called My Son.” And also the prophecy of Isaiah (19:1) be fulfilled: “Behold, the Lord rides on a swift cloud, and will come into Egypt, the idols of Egypt will totter at His presence, and the heart of Egypt will melt in its midst.”
Lord Jesus came to Egypt with Joseph, His Virgin Mother Saint Mary and Salome. They passed in an estate called “Basta” where the Holy Family drank from a well, and the water of the well became a curing water for all sicknesses. Then they went to...
The blessed from all saints, whom is above all creature including the Angels, pure and virgin Holy Mother of God Saint Mary, is the hope of human race. She was in the will of God before the creation of this world. After the fall of Adam and Eve when eating the forbidden fruit, death came upon mankind and was punished earthly. But for His mercy is tremendous, He vowed to save Him through his root. It is this word of God done through the virgin Mary through the miraculous work of birth of the Holy Son to save us by crucifixion. Her purity and holiness has bestowed us salvation for she become the mother of God and His work of redemption.
Holy Mother Saint Mary pleads God for mercy and salvation through her intercession. Her prayer is what we hope for and seek in going to heaven...
Our Lady, the all pure, Virgin Saint Mary, the Mother of God, departed on Tir 21 (January 29). As she was always praying in the holy sepulcher, the Holy Spirit informed her that she was about to depart from this temporal world. When the time of her departure arrived, the virgins of the Mount of Olives came to her, with the apostles, who were still alive, and they surrounded her bed. The Lord Jesus Christ, to Whom is the glory, with a host of thousands and thousands of angels came to her and comforted her. He also told her about the eternal joy that was prepared for her, and she rejoiced. Then, the apostles and the virgins asked her to bless them. She stretched her hand and blessed them all, and she gave up her pure spirit in the hand of her Son and God. He then took her spirit to the heavenly mansions.
The apostles prepared the body in a fitting manner and carried it to Gethsemane. Some of the Jews blocked their way to prevent them from burying the body. One of the Jews seized the coffin with his hands, which were separated instantly from his body and they remained attached to the coffin. He regretted his evil deed and wept bitterly. Through the supplications of the saintly apostles, his hands were reattached to his body, and he believed in the Lord Christ. When they placed the body in the tomb, the Lord hid it from them...
The day of the construction of the first Church of Holy Mother Saint Mary in the province of Caesarea, Chalcedon is a holiday. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ built it with three stones without any wood, mud or water.
Apostles Saint Paul and Barnabas preached gentiles and turned them into Christians. The people did not have Holy Church to partake the Holy Communion and so the apostles ordered for prayer and Suba to plead Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. At the end of Suba, our Lord was revealed to the apostles and gathered them from all the world until the country of Philippians by the cloud and blessed them. Then He said to them, “This day is where I will for the construction of Holy Churches by the name of My Mother Mary in the four corners of the world.”
Then after, our Lord limited the place and base for Holy Church and after providing Holy Icons He brought those who are apart closer, measured the height by 24 cubits and the width by 12 cubits and gave them to the apostles.