The Great Lent

Sundays of Great Lent

Each of the Sundays of Great Lent possesses special meaning for us as we journey through the Lenten season to Pascha, the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Through our awareness of these days and our participation in the liturgical services of the season, we are instructed and inspired to continue our journey with Christ to the Cross, and ultimately to victory over sin and death.

The first Sunday Zewerede: He who comes down (Saint John 3:16)

The first Sunday is about the incarnation of GOD who came from Heaven, born from Holy Virgin Mary man in Bethlehem by the operation of the Holy Spirit. GOD came to earth for atonement our sin for his love of all mankind. Only the love of Jesus Christ can we find GOD, His love and eternal life. God loved all his creation, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, and everlasting life.

The Second Sunday Kedest: Holy/Sanctify (Saint Matthew 5, 6, 7)

Kedeset, the second Sunday means Holiness. It is to abstain from sin, be apart from the devil and the world as LORD Jesus Christ departed from all beings to fast and pray. Sanctification of sins not only consists of abstaining from natures inherited from Adam sin but accepting the LORD Jesus Christ. It is to practice good deeds to become Holy by praying, fasting and receiving penance and the Holy Communion.

The Third Sunday Mekurab: Temple (Saint John 2:19)

Mekurab is a Geez word for the temple. It exemplifies the preaching of LORD Jesus Christ in the Temple. It is reminder of the Church Liturgy inside the Temple as a place of worship, Divine Liturgy and devotion. At the Temple, LORD Jesus signified His own resurrection by using the Temple as a symbol of his own body of which will be buried and rise after three days.

The Fourth Sunday Metsagu: Infirmity, the Paralytic (Saint John 5: 1 -15)

Mestagu, was a bedridden man whom LORD Jesus healed on the fourth Sunday of the Great Lent. He was exemplified for all those healed by the hands of the LORD Jesus. The week is an example of his mercy, for all who were physical and spiritual ill because of their sins. His forgiveness is at his presence linked with our faith and the Holy Spirit through Holy church and the sacrament of penance.

The Fifth Sunday Debre Zeit: Mount of Olives (Saint John 3: 18 – 20 Saint Matthew 4:17)

Deberzeit is a Mount of Olives where LORD Jesus thought the disciples about his first and second coming to earth. He told them about the signs of the Armageddon, judgment day and resurrection of the living and dead, believers and unbelievers, righteous and sinners. LORD’s preaching cleared about the second coming of Christ of which all people must repent in preparation for the arrival of God’ Kingdom and not be condemned.

The Sixth Sunday Gebrehere: Faithful Servant ( Saint Matthew 25: 14 – 25)

In the sixth great theme in the fast we asked, “Who is the wise and faithful servant?” The answer to this question is what we do or do not do with our lives until we await Christ’s return to this world in His second coming. The faithful servant is the person who hears and does or fulfills the word of GOD; He/She is the one who is faithful and loyal to God, the Church and family; He is the person who has received the tradition and faith of Christ’s Church and holds it steadfastly and courageously. He is the person who is faithful over fasting, prayer, humility, devotion, our health and material wealth for use in GOD’s work on Earth. The faithful and good servant is the one who builds his house on the rock and not the sand. The unfaithful servant is the opposite of all these.

The Seventh Sunday Nicodemus: A ruler of the Jews (Saint John 3: 1 – 13)

Nicodemus was a leader of the Jews who came to our LORD by night seeking knowledge; He wanted to ask questions for He saw Christ the light of salvation and life. Our LORD did not reject him but received him; and even explained to Nicodemus the way to salvation and inheritance of the Kingdom of God.  He thought about faith, becoming God’s own Son and the Mystery of Trinity leading of becoming children of God by rebirth through the Mystery of Baptism.

The Eighth Sunday Hosanna/Savior: Palm Sunday (Saint John 12: 12 – 19)

The final Sunday of the Great Lent fast is known as Hosanna or Palm Sunday. It is the commemoration of Our LORD Jesus’ final journey to Jerusalem riding on a colt the foal of an ass whilst the people acknowledged him as the Son of David, King, coming in the name of the LORD, placing palms beneath Him. It is an exemplary of LORD Christ being the good shepherd who lays down His life for His sheep. He had executed all the laws and the Passover feast in Jerusalem fulfilling all righteousness. It’s His way to being pure scarification; The Lamb of GOD is about to be offered for us all and become the true eternal King of body, soul and spirit

Holy Week: Passion Week Holy Wednesday/ Judgment day ( Saint John 18: 28 – 40)

Holy week also known as Judgment day is the  remembrance our of LORD’s trial before Pontius Pilate in the hall of Judgment.

Holy Thursday/ Prayer Thursday (Saint Matthew 26: 17 – 30; Saint Mark 14: 12 – 26; Saint. Luke 22: 1 – 23)

Holy Thursday in Passion Week is the day of prayer on Prayer Thursday. It is to venerate the celebration of the eating of the Passover of LORD Christ with his disciples during the last supper. The ceremony of the washing of the disciples’ feet and the mystery of the Holy Eucharist also took place on this day.

May God help us through the fast of The Great Lent, Amen!

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